Hello again! After I’ve put my blog into hibernation more than two years ago, I’ve decided to reactivate this blog. I’ve faced some personal challenges recently. On the personal side, I’ve struggled with a few things that happened. On the job front, I’ve been working on a project focusing on university teaching in a digital setting, as well as wrapping up my PhD thesis, which – drumroll, please! – I’m excited to say I’ve finally finished.
That’s why I’m starting this blog again with a few post that will come soon. So, my first post will give you a quick overview of my PhD thesis, one will be in German and one in English. I wrote my thesis in German, but I will translate the most important aspects. Furthermore, it contains one article in English, written for the Oxford Handbook of Electronic Dance Music, edited by Luis Manuel Garcia-Mispireta and Robin James. In this article, which is yet to be published, I develop a framework for analyzing DJ-Sets, and I provide an analysis of two DJ-Sets by Solomon and by Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike. I will do a separate post on this one later.